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Public Service Values

Public Service Values

Here you will find Public Service Values which outline how Cook Islanders expect public servants to behave.

Honesty - Tu Tiratiratu

Acting honestly, being truthful, and abiding by the laws of the Cook Islands

Impartiality - Tu Papakita i kore

Providing impartial advice, acting without fear or favour, and making decisions on their merits

Service - Tu Tavini

Serving the people well through faithful service to the government of the Cook Islands

Transparency - Tu Ma'Ora'Ora

Taking actions and making decisions in an open way

Accountability - Tu Akapapu'anga

Being able to explain the reasons for actions taken, and taking responsibility for those actions

Respect - Tu Akangateitei

Treating the people, the Government of the Cook Islands and coleagues with courtesy and respect

Efficiency - Turanga Meitaki; and Effectiveness - Turanga Tau

Achieving good results for the Cook Islands in an economical way

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