

The Public Service Commissioner promotes integrity, accountability, and transparency across the Public Service, including setting standards and issuing guidance.
As the Head of Service, one of the Commissioner’s key roles is appointing Heads of Public Service Agencies, setting expectations, and managing system performance. The Public Service Commissioner’s authority extends to fourteen Heads of Ministries and employees who as public servants must comply with the Public Service Act.
The Public Service Act articulates the purpose, principles and values of a unified Public Service, underpinned by the spirit of service as the fundamental characteristic of the Public Service. Crown agencies and other entities are defined as State Services under the Act, and are required to comply with the remuneration framework of government, good employer principles, public service values, and code of conduct.
Statutory functions of the Commissioner include:
Providing advice to Ministers of the Crown on matters relating to the Public Service
Acting as the intermediary between Ministers of the Crown and Heads of Department in relation to functions
Developing and promoting personnel policies and standards for Heads of Departments and Public Service
Promoting and ensuring compliance with the public service code of conduct and values
Providing advice on the training and career development of Public Servants
Determining salary ranges for positions in the Public Service in accordance with the remuneration system approved by Cabinet
Reviewing and making changes to the machinery of government
Instigating inquiries relating to the administration of the public service
Investigating unresolved disputes between employers and employees within the public service
Appointing Heads of Public Service Departments and negotiating conditions of employment
Issuing written instructions to Heads of Departments relating to the implementation of government policies
Reviewing the performance of Heads of Public Service Departments
Ensuring Heads of Departments are not subject to unlawful or improper pressure from the Ministers of the Crown or members of Parliament